Sunday, July 13, 2008

Reduce High Blood Pressure Without Drugs

Frequently undiagnosed or ignored because it's onset can be without symptoms, high blood pressure responds well to changes in diet, exercise level, & to the right supplements... Hypertension or high blood pressure is known as a silent killer because people often do not know that they have it until the body is already damaged. If you think that you are at risk, it is important to have your blood pressure monitored regularly, because hypertension can lead to heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure and retinal (eye) damage. The most common causes of hypertension are narrowed arteries or a decrease in arterial elasticity. Narrowing and hardening of the arteries are primarily caused by eating too much of the wrong types of fats. It is important that you get enough of the right kinds of fats to limit this damage and to promote health. Other causes are kidney disease, heavy metal toxicity, obesity, stress and poor diet. Some of these factors are beyond our control, but many can be changed through diet, lifestyle changes, detoxification, and a combination of the right supplements and complimentary therapies. Most people are do no have symptoms because their blood pressure rises slowly over many years. Symptoms of fluctuating blood pressure may be present and include headaches, dizziness, fatigue, nosebleeds and flushed cheeks. Symptoms of decreased circulation can accompany high blood pressure and include angina, leg pain, forgetfulness and ringing in the ears. Official diagnosis of hypertension is made when blood pressure readings over 140/90 are found on at least three occasions. In people over 50 the exact reading necessary to diagnose hypertension can be variable. A single reading of high blood pressure is generally not accepted as official because environmental factors such as stress and the amount of salt recently eaten can skew the reading. Your blood pressure is measured in two ways: when the heart is beating (systolic) and in between beats (diastolic). The first (higher) number is the systolic and the second (lower) number is the diastolic pressure. If you have consistently high blood pressure, you might consider purchasing a digital blood pressure cuff which conveniently allows you to measure your own blood pressure in your own home or office. (Click here to view a video describing high blood pressure). Conventional treatment of hypertension involves medication to decrease blood volume (diuretics, ACE inhibitors) or reduce tension in the vessels (beta-blockers). Diuretics increase the excretion of minerals like magnesium and potassium. This can cause problems maintaining heart rhythm and muscle spasms. ACE inhibitors deplete zinc. Beta-blockers deplete coenzyme Q10. Other medications may be given to control the root cause of the high blood pressure like sedatives, cholesterol reducing drugs or drugs to maintain kidney function. Natural treatment of hypertension involves lifestyle and dietary changes. Use stress reduction techniques such as regular exercise, deep breathing and massage. Chiropractic care will align the upper spine to ensure proper nerve conduction to the heart. Hydrotherapy using cold arm baths can decrease blood pressure. Emotions such as worry and fear can contribute to hypertension and should be addressed. Colour therapy and biofeedback have been studied with regard to their blood pressure lowering effects. You might also explore a variety of different chelation treatments available which have been clinically proven to cleanse the arteries of blockages. Chelation treatments available include: intravenous (available in clinics), oral tablets, and a new suppository form proven nearly as effective as I.V. The standard North American diet predisposes people to developing high blood pressure due to its saturated and trans fatty acid content. To prevent hypertension maintain a healthy weight. Drink lots of clear fluids and eat raw fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Include green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, fish, vegetable protein, like soybeans, and unrefined oils like olive, flax and sunflower in your daily diet. Foods to avoid are any junk foods, fried foods, processed foods, fast foods, white flour products, white sugar products, red meat, margarine, shortening, artificial sweeteners, diet foods, salt, coffee, colas and other caffeine sources. Eliminate alcohol, tobacco and highly spiced foods.

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